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Why Do We Have Participants?

When I was a sophomore in high school, I was a participant at LOG weekend #28. I was not a Christian prior to the weekend, but I wasn’t against the whole “concept” of Christianity either.

After my weekend at Camp Ray Bird (a former location for the retreats), I gave my life to Jesus Christ. I vaguely remember the weekend in its totality, but I can vividly recall miscellaneous details. I learned the story of the prodigal son, I found a community I was loved by instantaneously, and I prayed out (in a letter) that I wanted to belong to God, and I accepted who Jesus is.

Why is my story important? Because it’s the essence of what the Love Of God program really is at the heart: A group of teenagers sharing what they found with others.

Matthew 28:19 reads, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Along with that passage, the LOG “anthem” if you will, is We Are the Family of God. The first verse of the song opens with the lyric, “Go make disciples if others; go show them my way is true. Tell them the wonderful story-that they might be one in me, too.”

You see, we have participants at LOG weekends so that we can do just that: share the love of God with them! By doing this and sharing the story of who Jesus is, we are really fulfilling our purpose. My pastor says it this way: “We’re called to win souls and make disciples!” It is our duty, while we are here on earth, to expand the Kingdom of God. That means sharing what we’ve found with others.

LOG is a platform/opportunity to teach participants (first timers) a little more about Jesus. We get to be a steppingstone. We get to serve them and show them Jesus. Then, when He touches their hearts, we get to tell ourselves, “that’s another one for the kingdom.”

If you’re apprehensive about inviting someone to attend, I want to encourage you. Our Christian mission is to bring people into the Kingdom! The family of God is big enough for everyone. We just have to welcome them in.




732 Conner Drive

Mishawaka, IN 46544

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